Keto Moo Menao

Moo manao is a Thai side dish. It looks like a basic and simple dish. I can’t argue with that when it comes to the cooking. Moo manao distinguishes itself being very sour and spicy that is perfectly balanced out with salt and savory. It’s not a dish for those who like bland food. It hits you with a ton of flavors.

Keto Moo MenaoKeto Moo Menao
Thai spicy lime pork salad


Ingredients for the salad

  • 300g Pork
  • lettuce
  • red onion
  • cilantro

Ingredients for the dressing

  • 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 Thai bird's eye chillies

These are the vegetables I’ve used. You can add any vegetables you like.

Keto Moo MenaoKeto Moo Menao
Side dishes
Salads & Soups


Ingredients for the salad

  • 300g Pork
  • lettuce
  • red onion
  • cilantro

Ingredients for the dressing

  • 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 Thai bird's eye chillies

These are the vegetables I’ve used. You can add any vegetables you like.


  1. Grill the pork and set aside to cool.
  2. Wash and cut the lettuce.
  3. Wash and chop the cilantro.
  4. Slice the red onion in fine pieces.
  5. In a small bowl add the juice of the lime, the fish sauce and the chopped chillies.


  1. Slice the cooled pork.
  2. Place all ingredients but the cilantro on a plate and pour the sauce over it.
  3. Top the dish off with cilantro before serving.

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